short excerpts...other writings...upon occasion or as prompted...
The tiger in the water? A representation of my life -- spirit and environment!
The tiger in the water? A representation of my life -- spirit and environment!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Saturday Quickie: Publisher Looking for Spiritual Writers
Truly just a quickie. For anyone with a well-written manuscript, MSI Press is looking for writers of spiritual books to expand its spiritual line. The orientation is primarily Catholic, mystical or Franciscan bent, and good writing is really a prerequisite; most MSI Press, if you check at Barnes & Noble or Amazon, are 5-star (or at least 4.5-star) books. The press is a small, traditional press with close relationships with its authors and provides much personal help and "education" to new authors, including a monthly newsletter that provides updated information on what the press is doing to market books and how authors can help those efforts and become better known, but it accepts fewer than 10% of manuscripts submitted. Still, you have lost nothing more than some time to submit a query by email. You can submit the query to The press website has a form that can be used, but it is not necessary. If you have access to Writer's Market, there is a little more information there.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
The Desert Island
Here is a parable shared with me by a friend from the traditions of the Talmud, a Christian monk, and Buddhism -- ironic that all come together at some point. The version below is a Talmud story.
A very wealthy man, who was of a kind, benevolent disposition, desired to make his slave happy. He gave him, therefore, his freedom, and presented him with a shipload of merchandise.
"Go," said he, "sail to different countries, dispose of these goods, and that which thou mayest receive for them shall be thy own."
The slave sailed away upon the broad ocean, but before he had been long upon his voyage a storm overtook him; his ship was driven on a rock and went to pieces; all on board were lost, all save this slave, who swam to an island shore near by. Sad, despondent, with naught in the world, he traversed this island, until he approached a large and beautiful city; and many people approached him joyously, shouting, "Welcome! welcome! Long live the king!" They brought a rich carriage, and placing him therein, escorted him to a magnificent palace, where many servants gathered about him, clothing him in royal garments, addressing him as their sovereign, and expressing their obedience to his will.
The slave was amazed and dazzled, believing that he was dreaming, and all that he saw, heard, and experienced was mere passing fantasy. Becoming convinced of the reality of his condition, he said to some men about him for whom he experienced a friendly feeling
"How is this? I cannot understand it. That you should thus elevate and honour a man whom you know not, a poor, naked wanderer, whom you have never seen before, making him your ruler, causes me more wonder than I can readily express."
"Sire," they replied, "this island is inhabited by spirits. Long since they prayed to God to send them yearly a son of man to reign over them, and He has answered their prayers. Yearly he sends them a son of man, whom they receive with honour and elevate to the throne; but his dignity and power ends with the year. With its close his royal garments are taken from him, he is placed on board a ship and carried to a vast and desolate island, where, unless he has previously been wise and prepared for this day, he will find neither friend nor subject, and be obliged to pass a weary, lonely, miserable life. Then a new king is selected here, and so year follows year. The kings who preceded thee were careless and indifferent, enjoying their power to the full, and thinking not of the day when it should end. Be wiser thou; let our words find rest within thy heart."
The newly-made king listened attentively to all this, and felt grieved that he should have lost even the time he had already missed for making preparations for his loss of power. He addressed the wise man who had spoken, saying, "Advise me, oh, spirit of wisdom, how I may prepare for the days which will come upon me in the future."
"Naked thou earnest to us and naked thou wilt be sent to the desolate island of which I have told thee," replied the other. "At present thou art king, and may do as pleaseth thee; therefore send workmen to this island; let them build houses, till the ground, and beautify the surroundings. The barren soil will be changed into fruitful fields, people will journey there to live, and thou wilt have established a new kingdom for thyself, with subjects to welcome thee in gladness when thou shalt have lost thy power here. The year is short, the work is long; therefore be earnest and energetic."
The king followed this advice. He sent workmen and materials to the desolate island, and before the close of his temporary power it had become a blooming, pleasant, and attractive spot. The rulers who had preceded him had anticipated the day of their power's close with dread, or smothered all thought of it in revelry; but he looked forward to it as a day of joy, when he should enter upon a career of permanent peace and happiness.
The day came; the freed slave, who had been made king, was deprived of his authority; with his power he lost his royal garments; naked he was placed upon a ship, and its sails set for the desolate isle.
When he approached its shores, however, the people whom he had sent there came to meet him with music, song, and great joy. They made him a prince among then, and he lived with them ever after in pleasantness and peace.
The wealthy man of kindly disposition is God, and the slave to whom He gave freedom is the soul which He, gives to man. The island at which the slave arrives is the world; naked and weeping he appears to his parents, who are the inhabitants that greet him warmly and make him their king. The friends who tell him of the ways of the country are his "good inclinations." The year of his reign is his span of life, and the desolate island is the future world, which he must beautify by good deeds, "the workmen and material," or else live lonely and desolate for ever.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
The Hermit
The following story was shared with me by a friend. He has no idea of the author, but I tracked it down to Zadig by Voltaire, a book I read in college French classes and so, therefore, the story, reworked in the version sent by my friend, sounded familiar. For me, everything was predictable from about halfway through, and the story message was evident. Not so for my friend, perhaps because his life has been more complicated than mine. I am curious about your reactions to it.
In the
reign of King Moabdar there lived at Babylon
a young man named Zadig. He was handsome, rich, and naturally good-hearted; and at the moment when the story
opens, he was travelling on foot to see the world, and to learn philosophy and
wisdom. But, hitherto, he had encountered so much misery, and endured so many
terrible disasters, that he had become tempted to rebel against the will of
Heaven, and to believe that the Providence which rules the world neglects the
good, and lets the evil prosper. In this unhappy spirit he was one day walking
on the banks of the Euphrates, when he chanced
to meet a venerable hermit, whose snowy beard descended to his girdle, and who
carried in his hand a scroll which he was reading with attention. Zadig
stopped, and made him a low bow. The hermit returned the salutation with an air
so kindly, and so noble, that Zadig felt a curiosity to speak to him. He
inquired what scroll was that which he was reading.
“It is the Book of Destiny," replied
the hermit, “would you like to read it?"
He handed it to Zadig; but the latter,
though he new a dozen languages, could not understand a word of it. His curiosity
“You appear to be in trouble," said the
kindly hermit.
“Alas!” said Zadig, "I have cause to be
“If you will allow me," said the
hermit, "I will accompany you. Perhaps I may be useful to you. I am
sometimes able to console the sorrowful."
Zadig felt a deep respect for the
appearance, the white beard, and the mysterious scroll of the old hermit, and perceived
that his conversation was that of a superior mind. The old man spoke of
destiny, of justice, of morality, of the chief good of life, of human frailty,
of virtue and of vice, with so much power and eloquence that Zadig felt himself
attracted by a kind of charm, and besought the hermit not to leave him until
they should return to Babylon.
”I ask you the same favor," said the
hermit. "Promise me that, whatever I may do, you will keep me company for
several days."
Zadig gave the promise; and they set forth
That night the travelers arrived at a grand
mansion. The hermit begged for food and lodging for himself and his companion.
The porter, who might have been mistaken for a prince, ushered them in with a
contemptuous air of welcome. The chief servant showed them the magnificent apartments;
and they were then admitted to the bottom of the table, where the master of the
mansion did not condescend to cast a glance at them. They were, however, served
with delicacies in profusion, and after dinner washed their hands in a golden
basin set with emeralds and rubies. They were then conducted for the night into
a beautiful apartment; and the next morning, before they left the castle, a servant
brought them each a piece of gold.
“The master of the house," said Zadig,
as they went their way, "appears to be a generous man, although a trifle
haughty. He practices a noble hospitality." As he spoke, he perceived that
a kind of large pouch which the hermit carried appeared singularly distended;
within it was the golden basin, set with precious stones, which the old man had
purloined. Zadig was amazed; but he said nothing.
At noon the hermit stopped before a little
house, in which lived a wealthy miser, and once more asked for hospitality. An
old valet in a shabby coat received them very rudely, showed them into the
stable, and set before them a few rotten olives, some mouldy bread, and beer
which had turned sour. The hermit ate and drank with as much content as he had shown
the night before; then, addressing the old valet, who had kept his eye upon them
to make sure that they stole nothing, he gave him the two gold pieces which
they had received that morning, and thanked him for his kind attention.
"Be so good,” he added, “as to let me see your master."
The astonished valet showed them in.
"Most mighty signor," said the
hermit, "I can only render you my humble thanks for the noble manner in
which you have received us. I beseech you to accept this golden basin as a token
of my gratitude."
The miser almost fell backwards with
amazement. The hermit, without waiting for him to recover, set off with speed, with
his companion.
“Holy Father," said Zadig, "what
does all this mean? You seem to me to resemble other men in nothing. You steal
a golden basin set with jewels from a signor who receives you with
magnificence, and you give it to curmudgeon who treats you with indignity.
“My son," replied the hermit,
"this mighty lord, who only welcomes travelers through vanity, and to
display his riches, will henceforth grow wiser, while the miser will be taught
to practice hospitality. Be amazed at nothing, and follow me."
Zadig knew not whether he was dealing with
the most foolish or the wisest of all men. But the hermit spoke with such
ascendency that Zadig, who besides was fettered by his promise, had no choice
except to follow him.
That night they came to an agreeable house,
of simple aspect, and showing signs of neither prodigality nor avarice. The owner
was a philosopher, who had left the world, and who studied peacefully the rules
of virtue and of wisdom, and who yet was happy and contented. He had built this
calm retreat to please himself, and he received the strangers in it with a
frankness which displayed no sign of ostentation. He conducted them himself to
a comfortable chamber, where he made them rest awhile; then he returned to lead
them to a dainty little supper. During their conversation they agreed that the
affairs of this world are not always regulated by the opinions of the wisest of
men. But the hermit still maintained that the ways of Providence are wrapped in mystery, and that
men do wrong to pass their judgment on a universe of which they only see the
smallest part. Zadig wondered how a person who committed such mad acts could
reason so correctly.
At length, after a conversation as agreeable
as instructive, the host conducted the two travelers to their apartment, and
thanked heaven for sending him two visitors so wise and virtuous. He offered
them some money, but so frankly that they could not feel offended. The old man
declined, and desired to say farewell, as he intended to depart for Babylon at break of a day.
They therefore parted on the warmest terms, and Zadig, above all, was filled
with kindly feelings towards so amiable a man.
When the hermit and himself were in their
chamber, they spent some time in praises of their host. At break of day the old
man woke his comrade.
"We must be going," he remarked.
"But while everyone is still asleep, I wish to leave this worthy man a
pledge of my esteem." With these words, he took a torch and set the house
on fire.
Zadig burst forth into cries of horror and
would have stopped the frightful act. But the hermit, by superior strength,
drew him away. The house was in a blaze; and the old man, who was now a good way
off with his companion, looked back calmly at the burning pile.
"Heaven be praised!" he cried.
"Our kind host’s house is destroyed from top to bottom!"
At these words Zadig knew not whether he
should burst out laughing, call the reverend father an old rascal, knock him
down, or run away. But he did none of these things. Still subdued by the
superior manner of the hermit, he followed him against his will to their next
This was the dwelling of a good and
charitable widow, who had a nephew of fourteen, her only hope and joy. She did her best to use the travelers well;
and the next morning she bade her nephew guide them safely past a certain bridge,
which, having recently been broken, had become dangerous to cross over. The
youth, eager to oblige them, led the way.
“Come,” said the hermit, when they were half
across the bridge, "I must show my gratitude towards your aunt;” as he
spoke he seized the young man by the hair and threw him into the river. The
youth fell, reappeared for an instant on the surface, and then was swallowed by
the torrent.
“Oh, monster!” exclaimed Zadig, "oh,
most detestable of men!”
“You promised me more patience,"
interrupted the old man. “Listen! Beneath the ruins of that house which Providence
saw fit to set on fire, the owner will discover an enormous treasure; while
this young man, whose existence Providence cut short, would have killed his aunt
within a year, and you yourself in two."
told you so, barbarian?" cried Zadig, "and even if you read the issue
in your Book of Destiny, who gave you power to drown a youth who never injured
While he spoke, he saw that the old man had
a beard no longer, and that his face had become fair and young; his hermit's
dress had disappeared: four white wings covered his majestic form, and shone
with dazzling lustre.
“Angel of heaven!" cried Zadig,
"you are then descended from the skies to teach an erring mortal to submit
to the eternal laws?"
“Men,” replied the angel Jezrael,
"judge all things without knowledge; and you, of all men, most deserved to
be enlightened. The world imagines that the youth who has just perished fell by
chance into the water, and that by a like chance the rich man's house was set on
fire. But there is no such thing as chance; all is trial, or punishment, or
foresight. Feeble mortal, cease to argue and rebel against what you ought to
As he
spoke these words the angel took his flight to heaven. And Zadig fell upon his
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The World Is Mine
From the Internet --
Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman-- Anonymous (wish I knew who wrote it!)
And wished I were as beautiful.
When suddenly she rose to leave,
I saw her hobble down the aisle.
She had one leg and used a crutch.
But as she passed, she passed a smile.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two legs; the world is mine.
I stopped to buy some candy.
The lad who sold it had such charm.
I talked with him, he seemed so glad.
If I were late, it'd do no harm.
And as I left, he said to me,
"I thank you,
You've been so kind.
It's nice to talk with folks like you.
You see," he said, "I'm blind."
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two eyes; the world is mine.
Later while walking down the street,
I saw a child I knew.
He stood and watched the others play,
But he did not know what to do.
I stopped a moment and then I said,
"Why don't you join them dear?"
He looked ahead without a word.
I forgot, he couldn't hear.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I have two ears; the world is mine.
With feet to take me where I'd go..
With eyes to see the sunset's glow.
With ears to hear what I'd know.
Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is
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About Me

- Elizabeth Mahlou
- I am the mother of 4 birth children (plus 3 others who lived with us) and grandmother of 2, all of them exceptional children. Married for 42 years, I grew up in Maine, live in California, and work in many places in education, linguistics, and program management. In my spare time, I rescue and tame feral cats and have the scars to prove it. A long-time ignorantly blissful atheist converted by a theophanic experience to Catholicism, I am now a joyful catechist. Oh, I also authored a dozen books, two under my pen name of Mahlou (Blest Atheist and A Believer-in-Waiting's First Encounters with God).
My Other Blogs
100th Lamb. This is my main blog, the one I keep most updated.
The Clan of Mahlou. This is background information about various members of the extended Mahlou family. It is very much a work still in progress. Soon I will begin posting excerpts from a new book I am writing, Raising God's Rainbow Makers.
Modern Mysticism. This blog discusses the mystical in our pragmatic, practical, realistic, and rational 21st century world and is to those who spend some or much of their time in an irrational/mystical relationship with God. If such things do not strain your credulity, you are welcome to follow the blog and participate in it.
The Clan of Mahlou. This is background information about various members of the extended Mahlou family. It is very much a work still in progress. Soon I will begin posting excerpts from a new book I am writing, Raising God's Rainbow Makers.
Modern Mysticism. This blog discusses the mystical in our pragmatic, practical, realistic, and rational 21st century world and is to those who spend some or much of their time in an irrational/mystical relationship with God. If such things do not strain your credulity, you are welcome to follow the blog and participate in it.
Recommended Reading List

I do post additional books as I read them and find them to be meaningful to me, and therefore, hopefully, meaningful to you. One advantage of all the plane traveling I do is that I acquire reading time that I might not otherwise take.